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[–]coinbaseaccount[S] 0 points1 point ·  (0 children)

How long does Coinbase KYC verification take? The duration of Coinbase KYC (Know Your Customer) verification can vary depending on several factors. Typically, the Coinbase KYC process can take anywhere from a few minutes to several days. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Immediate Verification: For many users, Coinbase KYC verification is almost instantaneous, taking just a few minutes if the provided information matches the records and the documents are clear and valid.

  2. Manual Review: If the automated system cannot verify the documents or if there are discrepancies, the verification might require a manual review. This can extend the Coinbase KYC process to a few hours or even several days.

  3. Document Quality: The clarity and quality of the documents submitted can impact the speed of verification. Clear and properly formatted documents are processed faster.

  4. High Demand Periods: During periods of high demand, such as market surges or new feature releases, the Coinbase KYC process might take longer due to an increased number of verification requests.

To ensure a smooth and quick Coinbase KYC verification process, users should submit clear, high-quality copies of their identification documents and ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date.


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