all 2 comments

[–]blockpath 0 points1 point ·  (1 child)

QuickBooks does have the ability to export data from the Reports page as excel, but honestly its not as easy of a process as we would like it to be. We covered how to do this here

However, we are close to releasing a full tax prep integration that will do this for you plus much more. We are planning for the tax entries in QuickBooks to be more for constant reference of your tax obligations from your normal QuickBooks accounting, while the tax prep integration will be a fully featured tool that supports exchanges + other cryptos when it comes time for tax reporting.

Hang tight, the tax prep tool will be ready in about a week, and it will be included for free in your Blockpath Premium subscription. I'll send you a message when its available. -Matt

[–]gglife[S] 0 points1 point ·  (0 children)

Ok I understand, sounds good - I'll be waiting for your message


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