all 2 comments

[–]greg77 0 points1 point ·  (0 children)

I got your message last week and finally had time to try this.

For just extracting capital gains from my Bitcoin addresses, it was straight-forward and useful. The exchange import was slightly time-consuming because I had to change the spreadsheet data around, but after that it worked nicely.

I would like to see a way to manually edit transactions, or to easily input a transaction without needing the spreadsheet import.

Looking forward to seeing how your business grows!

[–]daotte 0 points1 point ·  (0 children)

Hello, I really appreciate you letting me try this out!

I agree with what the previous person said, the import by spreadsheet method took a minute to figure out, but after that it was very easy. I was surprised how simple the process was, it made me feel like I was cheating somehow lol. I'll pay you back by recommending you to some friends! Thanks.


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